Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Great Bloviator

Daniel Henninger: Obama and the Speech

Here's the problem: Mr. Obama is not the nation's Speaker in Chief. He's not a senator, and he's no longer a candidate. He's the president. A president's major speeches are different than those of anyone else. That high office imposes demands beyond the power of a podium. Inspiration matters, but the office also requires acts of leadership. A U.S. president's words must be connected to something beyond sentiment and eloquence. Too much of the time, Barack Obama's big speeches don't seem to be connected to anything other than his own interesting thoughts on some subject.

Lincoln's eloquence flowed from the pain of the Civil War. Washington's Farewell Address, perhaps America's greatest political speech, was a magisterial summing up after leading an army to victory in the Revolution and then the nation's beginning. FDR's remembered speeches were pushed into life by the Depression and then world war.

Ronald Reagan's great "tear down this wall" speech in 1987 at the Brandenburg Gate was just one piece in an elaborate Cold War endgame strategy.

When he speaks as president, Mr. Obama's audiences have reason to expect that some concrete actions or policies will flow from seemingly major statements. Other than more diplomats talking, I don't think much of anything is going to follow these. The Speech was pretty much it. (Emphasis mine)

More Hot Air to follow!

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