Friday, July 3, 2009

The Fourth of July

Bennett and Cribb: The Last Best Hope of Earth.

With the 4 of July upon us and this being the Obama's first 4th while in office it might do him some good to go to the National Archives and actually look at the documents that he is destroying daily with all of his socialist nonsense. It might do him good to see the document that led to eventual freedom for slaves - something that he and his family line known nothing of. The Obama calls himself a constitutional lawyer but that he really cares or knows nothing of the Constitution - he and others like him fixate on the a few amendments in the Bill of Rights and the 14th amendment and the rest of the document are a few bits of superfluous paper - for every day he ignores the core of the document as he constructs new government edifices that are in direct contradiction to the structure of our government prescribed in the Constitution. The Constitution is not the Bill of Rights. The Constitution is 7 articles - defining the form, structure and LIMITED responsibilities of our 3 branches of government and several amendments beyond the Bill of Rights.

Tomorrow, the 4th of July, it would do all of us good to read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, because without the former, we would not have the latter. The basic rights of humanity - Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness - in that order and in that order of importance - are spelled out in the Declaration of Independence and from those three flow all else - and with those three we are held to a high level of responsibility - a fact forgotten by today's spoiled government dependent generations. Starting from these three fundamental and un-dissolvable rights the rules by which human kind interact derive. There is no right to a house, or fancy clothing or a car or an iPod or healthcare - these latter "things" are all individual responsibilities - part of being a person pursuing Happiness. So, on the 4th the Obama might consider how it has become a right for someone to have some government handout just because that someone chooses not to get it for themselves.

Amendment: I need to amend the above post to include the most significant and relevant document of all mankind, from which all of the laws of our great country are derived - The Bible. Despite the leaning of the Obama, this country was founded on Judaeo-Christian principles - ALL of the founding fathers were of Judaeo-Christian descent and any attempt by a warped liberal left to make us believe otherwise is foolish nonsense. For America, there is no other source than the Bible to look to when it comes to human laws and behavior -PERIOD!

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