Monday, July 13, 2009

Sotomayor, Cats and Water

Saying Liberals and the Constitution is like saying Cats and Water. Cats don't dislike water when they are thirsty, they just don't like being immersed in it. This is the same for Obamocrats and Liberals in general, there are parts of the Constitution that they like, they just don't want to have to be immersed in the entire document. For example, the main body of the Constitution they reject almost entirely, except for the passage: "provide for the general welfare," which they interpret quite literally in the modern sense that government should provide for everyone who does not want to provide for themselves. The rest of the Constitution, which defines the structure of our government and the restrictions on that government - they reject - it goes against a liberal's sensibilities to restrict government. Likewise, they like a few of the Amendments, the first - but only the parts that allow for pornography, a State Run press and restriction of "hurting feelings speech," - the PC clause. Forget anything about religion. They like the 4th and 5th amendments because those allow crooks and murders to get off free because some police officer forgot to say, "Do you understand these rights as I have read them to you," which most idiots don't. And they really like the 14th amendment, which basically says, if you are member of a minority you have more rights and are more equal than the members of the majority. They really like the 13th Amendment - which gives the government the right to steal your hard earned paycheck and give it to the lazy - "support the general deadbeat."

Sotomayor will most surely end up on the bench. The liberals have the votes and will certainly overlook any and all flaws - even if she murdered someone. In their view all Obamocrats and Liberals (a redundancy I know) are above the law. Despite the certainty of Sotomayor's confirmation that does not let the Repubs off the hook. They cannot leave it up to the State Run media to air any of her deficiencies and so the responsibility lies with them to push her on every one of her mucked up rulings and all of her liberal rant speeches.

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