The problem I have with columns like this one from Michael Hirsh, Thanks for Not Being Bush, is that they start from the incorrect premise that somehow America was better before Bush - and not Reagan better but Bill Clinton better. The Hirsh's of the world forget that under Clinton the Telecom industries and the dotcom industries were regulated into the ground; that Fannie and Freddie were given free reign to lend to the unqualified - thus the housing collapse at the end of Bush's term. There was nothing great about the Clinton term in office - unless you consider being loved by everyone in the world - except the terrorists, which he ignored, which led to 9/11 - as being great. You see, those that are following the Obama around like a bunch of puppies believe that America is great only if the government is dictating every second of our lives and only if the rest of the world loves us. For them a great America is not about projecting strength and high moral values around the world - as Reagan and Bush did - no, it is about going with the world flow, socialism and sloppyism. I don't give a rat's ass if France or England or Norway for that matter likes the US and if the Obama and his band of merry incompetents would get out of the way and stop trying to micromanage everything the economy will take care of itself. If being great means being like the rest of the world then screw that.
Update: I was thinking further about what the Obama-bel Peas Prize means, not only is it a swipe at George Bush and Ronald Reagan, but it is a full open-handed smack of America. The Norwegians were not recognizing Obama's New American world leadership but Obama's New American followership. They are not acknowledging our willingness to lead but our willingness to follow the rest of the world. Obama is not a leader and his version of America is not as leading but following.
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