Friday, October 2, 2009

Even Later That Day

At yet another press conference in front of an adoring crowd of reports from the State-Run-Media - Fox News was prevented from attending

NBC News Reporter: Mr. President, It must have come as a blow to hear that Chicago was eliminated from the running for the 2016 Summer Olympics.
the Obama: a few tears in his eyes - Yes, yes, it was and I blame it on Bush and the vast right wing conspiracy led by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. It was their actions that have prevented Olympic Care from moving forward. This would have brought millions of dollars to my crony-friends and a few thousand jobs to illegal aliens. The rumors of tearing down slums and displacing people are all made up - we would have moved those people to New York - don't want them milling around on the streets during an important event like the Summer Olympics - it would have embarrassed Michelle and me.
ABC News Reporter: Mr. President, What will you do know?
the Obama: tearing up even more - Well, Michelle and I will be holding a period of mourning in the Bahama's at one of our rich friend's homes and I will be ordering the flags at half staff. America has lost here and it's Bush's fault.
From the back of the crowd, being restrained by members of the Black Panthers, a Fox News Reporter yells: Mr. President, Mr. President, what about Afghanistan and General McChrystal's request for more troops.
the Obama: What, no, we won't be mourning in Afghanistan, I don't even know where that is. I said the Bahamas, their near Chicago and no, this McCrusty guy won't be traveling with us, what with all the press and others on Air Force One, there won't be any room. As to the troops, I am sorry to say that they won't be competing in the Olympics. Sob - Now Openly Crying.. Hic, Hic, I gotta go, Oprah and Dr. Phil are waiting for me, I have some issues to work out.

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