Friday, October 9, 2009

You too can succeed by doing nothing

So, what is the real meaning of the Obama winning the No-Bel Please Prize? Well, the most obvious meaning, is that it is an affirmation of the liberal principle: "That it is not what you do that counts, it's what you think you deserve." It is an affirmation of the growing socialism in this country. It sends the message to young people that achievement is not what it is about - just showing up gets you ahead. The prize symbolizes the movement to eliminate grades and measures of accomplishment; the movement to stop keeping score to protect the fragile psyches of our little ones. The sad thing is that there are people and groups that were nominated for this prize that are actually doing something to promote peace and for whom $1.4M would go a long way to helping their cause. Instead the prize goes to boost the fat head of a man who has accomplished nothing ever and especially nothing toward building peace. If the award is to be handed out for giving airy empty speeches then why didn't Castro or Chavez get it - well maybe they should - (see and earlier post). I'm surprised that thousands of liberals haven't come out of the woodwork screaming, "Hey I haven't done anything either, were's my prize?"

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