Monday, October 12, 2009

Health Care Destruction

First of all I need to reiterate that they - the liberals (and everyone else) need to stop calling it Health Care Reform. There is nothing reformative about any of the bills that are being bantered about by the libs. A better word would be "destructive," because in the end that is what their effect will be - to destroy health care as we know it. So far, the Baucus bill and others are nothing but a mishmash of Congressese jammed together and called Health Care Reform. The CBO magically came up with a scoring, of conceptual language no less, that just perfectly matched the Obamacrat's estimate ~$900 Billion over ten years. To their everlasting dismay PriceWaterhouseCoopers in a report on the impact of Health Care Destruction, estimated that on the low side it will cause the price of premiums for a family plan will rise $4000 over that 10 years. (see) Part of the reason for the rise in premiums is the requirement that all comers be covered - so the premiums for those with pre-existing conditions will be very expensive and because the Senate bill has such a weak mandate that young and health uninsured be covered there will be gaps in the funding for the sick that will have to be made up by raising the rates on everyone else. Remember that the Senate bill is really a ponzi scheme - very much like Social Security - that requires millions of currently uninsured healthy people - people who are at low risk if using their insurance - pay into the scheme to cover those that will put huge drains on the scheme. All this to cover 15-20 million people (no illegal aliens need apply) who don't have insurance because they are poor or have pre-existing conditions - raising the covered from 83% to 95% they say, yet after 10 years there will still be 25 million uninsured - hmmmmm! I can't figure out if the 5% that won't be covered are the illegal aliens or the fact that nothing is perfect (an understatement). Is the 25 million not covered after 10 years include illegal aliens or is that the number of people the government system can't reach because of whatever - are they an excuse to further raise the rates and taxes on the rest of us to pick up the slack? So if 15-20 millions costs $1 Trillion - the floor, not the ceiling, how much will an additional 25 million cost us - $3 Trillion?

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