Saturday, October 10, 2009

the Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize for Wishful Thinking

From a front page article at the WSJ (Obama Awarded Peace Prize) we learn the real reason he was given the award:
Agot Valle, a Norwegian politician and member of the committee, said in a phone interview that the choice of Mr. Obama was primarily related to his stance on nuclear disarmament. Ms. Valle said the committee last met on Oct. 5, and that the decision to choose him was unanimous. She said his recent work at the United Nations in late September to pass a resolution calling for a strengthened Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty helped his candidacy.
Translate: Obama was awarded the peace prize for a bit of puffery that he slathered on the Security Council about striving for a Nuclear Weapons free world - the same bit of puffery that got him "bitch" slapped by French President Sarkozy (remember this?). So, it turns out that the awarding wasn't really about anything of substance but about more of the same liberal blather heard since the days of Carter the Withered. World peas, blah, blah, blah! One has to wonder why Reagan and Bush weren't awarded the prize - both actually accomplished reductions in Nuclear Weapons and addressed head on the issue of proliferation. We know that Clinton's policies allowed North Korea to get the weapon - and India and Pakistan and we also know that the Obama's current policy will ensure that soon Iran has a weapon and NK will possibly use theirs on SK. The reality is, the award was given for not for action but for blathering.

I also think that the Obama should get the Field's Award - the Nobel for Mathematics - for the invention of new math that explains why a $10 Trillion health care bill won't cost us a penny.

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