Thursday, December 31, 2009
Headline: Rush in hospital, Libs to hold parades, the Obama will attend
Ranking the 21st Century's First Two Presidents (well, one President and one Puppet)
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Stupid is, As the Obama Does
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas To All - Except the Obamacrats
My family and I wish America Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Delusional President
Update: See Karl Rove's column over at the WSJ: The President Is No B+
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
It's not my fault
With subtle, ah heck really not subtle the Obama blames Bush for his inability to make the hard decisions.
How does one take the Obama seriously anymore? It would nice to go a week or two without seeing him and better yet not hearing him. It is like receiving Chemo for cancer listening to him bloviate on and on and on. He should have stopped at, "I'm sending 30000 new troops to Afghanistan, Thank you." But no, he drones on trying to placate his leftist base.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
Large Hadron Collider, finally online!!
After a year’s delay, the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva became the world’s highest-energy particle accelerator on November 30, revving up each of its twin proton beams to energies of 1.18 trillion electron volts. That smashes the record of 0.98 trillion eV held since 2001 by the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory’s Tevatron in Batavia, Ill.
The First Hypocrite
Monday, November 30, 2009
A foreign policy Disaster: the Obama
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
A Religion of Peace?
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Commrade Pelosi: "Death To America!"
Friday, November 6, 2009
16 Million and Growing!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
A Rose By Any Other Name
If Obama can deny that a charge is a tax even when it’s collected by the IRS and identified as a “tax” in the legislation creating it, he surely sees nothing tax-like in the money people are required to spend if they want to avoid that charge. Yet forcing people to buy insurance they do not want so their premiums can subsidize other people’s health care looks a lot like a tax-funded welfare program, even if the money does not flow through the public treasury.
Monday, November 2, 2009
We are governed at all levels by America's luckiest children, sons and daughters of the abundance, and they call themselves optimists but they're not optimists—they're unimaginative. They don't have faith, they've just never been foreclosed on. They are stupid and they are callous, and they don't mind it when people become disheartened. They don't even notice.
Liberal Fads that Kill - kind of like Obamacare
Pelosi: Worst of the Worst
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Not So Great Expectations
The Lie Heard 'round the World
Monday, October 19, 2009
For the Obama and Civil Rights - Global Warming Comes First
In Massachusetts not long ago, I found myself driving behind a car with "Free Tibet," "Save Darfur," and "Obama 08" bumper stickers. I wonder if it will ever dawn on the owner of that car that at least one of those stickers doesn't belong.
Monday, October 12, 2009
the Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize for being seen to be Good
Who are the Goodists? They are the people who believe all conflict stems from avoidable misunderstanding. Who think that the world's evils spring from technologies, systems, complexes (as in "military-industrial") and everything else except from the hearts of men, where love abides. Who mistake wishes for possibilities. Who put a higher premium on their own moral intentions than on the efficacy of their actions. Who champion education as the solution, whatever the problem. Above all, the Goodists are the people who like to be seen to be good.
Health Care Destruction
The Nobel Fake Award
The members of the committee have also put the young American president in a terrible place. They make it look like all the talk of "The One," the heartthrob of the European elite, the darling of the international left, is true. They make him look prefabricated and inauthentic, an empty structure held up by essentially silly people. Which puts him at a disadvantage in his own country, because Americans don't really like it when flaky European politicians tell them how they ought to see him or the world. (Emphasis mine)
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Being Great means being Loved by Norway
Saturday, October 10, 2009
the Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize for Wishful Thinking
Agot Valle, a Norwegian politician and member of the committee, said in a phone interview that the choice of Mr. Obama was primarily related to his stance on nuclear disarmament. Ms. Valle said the committee last met on Oct. 5, and that the decision to choose him was unanimous. She said his recent work at the United Nations in late September to pass a resolution calling for a strengthened Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty helped his candidacy.
Friday, October 9, 2009
And the Obama goes to - Who Else?!
The Ignorant Krugman
First of all, Congress needs to undo the sins of February, and approve another big round of aid to state governments. We don’t have to call it a stimulus, but it would be a very effective way to create or save thousands of jobs. And it would, at the same time, be an investment in our future.
Beyond that, we need to wake up and realize that one of the keys to our nation’s historic success is now a wasting asset. Education made America great; neglect of education can reverse the process.
You too can succeed by doing nothing
the Obama Gladly Accepts the Nobel Prize for Clowns and Meaning Well
I the great one, the Messiah, the Obama, gladly accept this prize on behalf of my ego. This prize means as much to me as the prize I won in 6th grade for just showing up at a little-league baseball team even though I was not on the team and did not play. I did show up, though. I know that I have accomplished nothing and that the world is less safe than it was before I took over the White House, but I have the audacity to blame that all on the former president ... Bush. I see this prize as a call to give more speeches that say nothing but do give hope to terrorists around the world that they one day rule us all. I will do all I can to insure that Iran and North Korea continue their weapons development and to help them join the nuclear world. When I said in my much derided babble to the security council that I wanted I nuclear weapons free world, I meant that, I want everyone that hates us to have free nuclear weapons. Only when those countries that hate us have weapons of mass destruction will they be able to settle the score with the great demon of the west, the US, which I hate - death to the infidel Americans. Thank you. I plan on using the money to help ACORN get my cronies out of Chicago before the weapons fall. Honk, Honk!
The 2009 Nobel Clown Prize has been awarded to the First Clown - the Obama
President Barack Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday in a stunning decision designed to encourage his initiatives to reduce nuclear arms, ease tensions with the Muslim world and stress diplomacy and cooperation rather than unilateralism. (Emphasis mine)
In his 1895 will, Alfred Nobel stipulated that the peace prize should go "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between the nations and the abolition or reduction of standing armies and the formation and spreading of peace congresses."
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
The Math Doesn't Add Up
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Obamanomics at Work
Employers cut another 263,000 jobs in September and the unemployment rate rose to a 26-year high of 9.8%, raising worries that the persistently weak labor market could undermine a nascent economic recovery from the worst U.S. recession since the Great Depression.
"The pace of the recovery is likely to slow," said Nigel Gault, chief U.S. economist for research firm IHS Global Insight. "Ultimately, if we don't get job growth, we're not going to get sustained growth in consumer spending. How could we get a really strong recovery without consumers?"
The number of unemployed -- officially at 15.1 million -- is greater than the population of all but four states. The proportion of people who have been searching for work for longer than half a year rose to 35.6% of the unemployed, from a third of the work force in August. The dismal state of the job market led to a decline of 571,000 in the labor force, a sign that discouraged workers have given up looking for work entirely.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Even Later that Day - somewhere Over the Atlantic
the Obama: Why yes, I think one more would be just appropriate. I never get tired of hearing myself talk. The Pacific Ocean sure looks blue today doesn't it boys?
a voice: Psssst, Mr. President, sir, that's the Atlantic Ocean.
the Obama: Atlantic, who in the hell authorized us to fly over the Atlantic? I thought we were heading home to D. C. Ah crap, that means we'll have to land in San Fransisco Washington to refuel. I hate that damn town all those Gates worshipers. Well, there is a bright spot! We can pick up some of the sour dough stuff, you know, bread and maybe a case of Anchor Steam. Cleveland sure makes great beer!!
The Press: How are you taking the IOC's decision to give the Olympics to Rio? Are you upset Mr. President?
the Obama: I was indeed saddened that they chose Rio de Janeiro in South Africa.
a voice: Psssst, Mr. President, Rio de Janeiro is in South America, Brazil sir.
the Obama: South Africa, South America, what's the difference, they both have south in their names. As I was saying to my beloved press, it is a crying shame that the Japanese - tossing a defiant glance toward the direction of the voice - In Brazil, which by the way is in South Africa, got the Olympics. General McFly (uhh McTurn - ah hell it was a Mc Something - speaking of McDonalds, can someone get me a Big Mac?), anyways McDougall was adamant that we send troops to compete against the Talleyrand or we would lose the Olympics. And what did the IOC do? They moved the competition to Turkey, Rio de Janeiro, Turkey. Bastards. I am going to call for a resolution in the UN sanctioning the IOC for Olympics proliferation. On another topic, I have spent the last hour with one of my closest aides working on a plan to place...
a voice: Pssst, Mr. President, he wasn't an aide sir, he was your personal steward, not an aide.
the Obama: That's what I said, Stewart, and thank god he doesn't have AIDS, whew - it was a close one there wasn't it Stewart, heh, heh. Anyway, Stewart and I come up with a plan to blame this whole Olympics/Afghanistan mess on Oprah, and for good measure David Letterman, cause if he had kept his mouth shut about doinking everyone on his show and trying to blackmail the IOC, we would have won - I'm sure of it. Anyway, that's it for me, time to grab a nap and get rested up - long evening ahead of me - gotta find out where they hid my Teleprompter - what a disaster that speech was to General McTurd of the IOC.
A Performance to Remember
The Scene: A large room. Along a table that faces a large stage the IOC members sit, waiting the appearance of the Obama. The lights dim, over some loud speakers, blare strains of C. C. Rider, and somewhere thousands of simulated flash bulbs begin to pop, and the sound of thousands of cheering voice begin to rise with strains of C. C. Rider. A confused and aghast group of IOC members look around the room, shielding their eyes from a bright spot light that has appeared creating a circle on the stage. The Obama, dressed in a sequined suit strides out onto the stage to the increase roar of thousands of chanting fans, "Yes, We Can, Yes, We, Can, over and over almost drowning out the music. The Obama struts to the lectern and grabs the microphone from its holder and saunters to the center of the stage overlooking the table where the IOC members are seated, yelling "Thank you, Thank you very much." After talking a couple of bows the Obama walks back to the lectern and replaces the microphone in its holder. By now the music has died out and sound of the chants crowds are gone and the flash bulb pops have stopped.
the Obama: clearing his throat and glancing quickly from left to right and back, looking for his beloved Teleprompter, which is not there - Damn these IOC idiots, if they would just worship me like the rest of Europe all this would be unnecessary - I could be off touring the red light district with Axelrod and the other guys.
from somewhere off stage: Pssst, Pssst, Mr. President, Mr. President - your mike is still on.
A shocked Obama looks up: Holey shit, did I just say that? Heh, heh, - looking down at the IOC members, each with their mouths wide open and a stunned look in their eyes - Ahhhh, where was I, heh, heh, oh ya, As I was saying, I have come here to Copenhagen France to accept your selection of Chicago as the host of the 2016 Summer Olympics.
from somewhere off stage: in urgent tones - Pssssst, Psssssst, Mr. President.
the Obama: looking annoyed to be interrupted again - WHAT?!!
from somewhere off stage: The IOC, sir, hasn't made a selection yet.
the Obama: now looking really annoyed - Then what the hell am I doing here?
from somewhere off stage: Mr. President, you are giving a speech promoting Chicago as the best place for the 2016 Summer Olympics.
the Obama: looking a bit relieved - Yes, that's right, promoting. Members of the IOC, I think you'll find that my handling of the situation in Iran regarding their bid for the Olympics, will lead to a nuclear weapons free world. No, err, wait a minute, that's not the right speech - under his breath, but loud enough for the microphones to pick up and broadcast to everyone in the room - where in the hell is that Teleprompter when you need - damn IOC idiots. Oh, here it is, yah, now I got it. I have a dream, of a Nuclear Weapons Free World, a world in which our troops can compete in the Olympics if they are held in Chicago - that we they won't have to travel very far - see if you give the Olympics to Afghanistan like the General McCrazy guy was pleading to me this morning on the plane, then I would have to send the troops over there to compete against the Talywackers or some such group - I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying I was trying to get my socks to match.
The Head IOC Member: Hah, Hummm, Mr. President, please sir stay on topic.
the Obama: Sorry, uh, er, as I was saying when you so rudely interrupted me, hey what are you doing here anyway, these are highly important talks between us and the Iranians on controlling their illicit Olympics program. You're not supposed to be her.
from somewhere off stage: a shocked sounding voice - Mr. President, he's the head of the IOC - the guys who are going to decide where the Olympics go in 2016.
the Obama: If I had my way we'd just hold our own Olympics and leave these guys out - they look too damned old to compete anyway. As, I was a saying, and everybody just stop interrupting me - if I can get through this I can still me the "Rod" for a brew at Betsy's cat house - as I was saying. We will not be sending any troops to Afghanistan to compete against these IOC putzes - no the troops are going to Chicago to tear down the ghettos and toss out the poor to make way for a new Olympic Village, complete with a Starbucks or two and other stuff. My friends there have millions riding on this decision and so do I for that matter. Anyway if the IOC would see fit to just give it to us we can get on with Stimulation of the Economy - at least that's what Michelle calls it - tee hee, hee! - he winks to the head IOC member - know what I mean Vern?? Yes, we can. Thank you, thank you very much.
The lights dim, the spot light comes on, the music comes up blaring C. C. Rider, the horns drowning out all other sounds. The Obama strides from the stage. The music fades
Back Stage
the Obama: - Yelling loud enough to be heard by the IOC members still seated shocked and awed at having just witnessed the Obama's speech - Is there still time to get to the cat house - I'm not inviting those IOC Cretans.
Even Later That Day
NBC News Reporter: Mr. President, It must have come as a blow to hear that Chicago was eliminated from the running for the 2016 Summer Olympics.
the Obama: a few tears in his eyes - Yes, yes, it was and I blame it on Bush and the vast right wing conspiracy led by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. It was their actions that have prevented Olympic Care from moving forward. This would have brought millions of dollars to my crony-friends and a few thousand jobs to illegal aliens. The rumors of tearing down slums and displacing people are all made up - we would have moved those people to New York - don't want them milling around on the streets during an important event like the Summer Olympics - it would have embarrassed Michelle and me.
ABC News Reporter: Mr. President, What will you do know?
the Obama: tearing up even more - Well, Michelle and I will be holding a period of mourning in the Bahama's at one of our rich friend's homes and I will be ordering the flags at half staff. America has lost here and it's Bush's fault.
From the back of the crowd, being restrained by members of the Black Panthers, a Fox News Reporter yells: Mr. President, Mr. President, what about Afghanistan and General McChrystal's request for more troops.
the Obama: What, no, we won't be mourning in Afghanistan, I don't even know where that is. I said the Bahamas, their near Chicago and no, this McCrusty guy won't be traveling with us, what with all the press and others on Air Force One, there won't be any room. As to the troops, I am sorry to say that they won't be competing in the Olympics. Sob - Now Openly Crying.. Hic, Hic, I gotta go, Oprah and Dr. Phil are waiting for me, I have some issues to work out.
Later That Day

Later that day at a press conference after his speech to the Olympics Committee:
the Obama: Thank you, thank you, please not need to cheer!
Assistant: leaning in - Mr. President, no one is cheering, it's the press.
the Obama: a little dismayed - Oh, I just thought, given how important this speech was to the world and our goal of Olympics control - I just thought they would be cheering.
Assistant: Sorry Mr. President.
the Obama: That's okay, I'll still answer their questions.
Fox News Correspondent: Mr. President, how do you answer those who say, that given the state of affairs at home and in Afghanistan and Iraq, the President of the United States has better things to do then traipse off to Europe to lobby for a Chicago Olympics??
the Obama: That is an unmitigated lie, I did not have an affair here or at home. I'm ordering my Chief-of-Staff, what's his name - RAHM - TELEPROMPTER, to set up a call-in line so people can call in and tell on their neighbors for spreading these vicious lies about Health Care and my disinterest in, what the hell's that General's name - Crystal Light® - you know he makes Lemonade! Uh, yes, North Korea, I have this to say about that, we will not tolerate North Korea having the Olympics - it just ain't right. Our troops can't compete if they given the Olympics to North Korea, or Japan for that matter. Anyway, I was real stern with General Orders, I think that is his name, that there would be no new troops in Chicago unless we get the Olympics there and then they will really make a difference on the ground tearing down ghettos and low income housing to make room for a bright new Olympic Village - broad smile - hey, you know I was thinking, that we could send all those displaced poor people to, hey, where's that place where them bad guys are pushing us around - oh yes, New York City, we could send all those poor people to New York City and they could fight with those Talimen, Taliwomen - damn, where is that Teleprompter when you need it, going to have to have a talk with it when I get home.
Assistant: leaning in - ah Mr. President, the microphones are still on.
the Obama: looking out over a bewildered crowd of reporters and on lookers - Ah, sorry, where was I, ah yes, We will not give one inch to the terrorists, the Talismen, when it comes to the Olympics coming to Chicago. They will just have to be patient and wait their turn. Those damn Argentinians can be really brutal when it comes to the Olympics. As Biden has said, I will be tested - jeeze - I really need to find time to study - err, ahh, yes, we will not rest until Iran has given up their quest for the Olympics! We need Olympic Care Reform. Millions of Americans are going without quality Olympics. My wife, Michael, Mitchell, Maurine - you, know who I'm talking about and Harpo, are here with me pressing skin and wink, wink, nudge, nudging and offering large foreign aide packages to the Olympic Committee's families and friends so that we can get the Olympics the Americans need. The State-run-media, have told me that this will reduce unemployment in American by 0.01%, and raise the income of a couple of dozen of my closest crony friends. Thus, I will have a job in 2017 helping them to spend all the money they will have made because of my efforts to bring the Olympics home to Chicago. Poverty and want in America is a direct result of not having the Olympics in Chicago. I have asked Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to take the lead on sweeping legislation aimed at reforming the Olympics - in Chicago. So, when my critics, Rush Limbaugh, and the millions upon millions of disgruntled (and I might add, racist) Americans say that I am boondoggling, while Chicago burns, I say, Chicago is not burning, not right now anyway, cause we are still waiting to hear about getting the Olympics. Where was I, err, ahh, oh, yes, that's right, We will extend our hand to the Taliban in Rio de Janeiro, if they would just give up their bid for the Olympics. Hey, Rahm, would you get out a map and show the people where Rio is located in Japan and point out that it is strategically bad to locate an Olympics in South Africa. There's lions there for crying out load. Next Question.
NBC News Reporter: Mr. President, given all that is going on back home with Health Care reform, Nuclear Weapons in Iran and the advance of the Taliban in Afghanistan - What color scheme would you pick for the Chicago Olympics?
the Obama: looking delighted, with a big grin on his face - That is an excellent question, well, the kids named the dog, Bo and as for a color scheme, we chose brown for the carpets in the West Wing - hides the poop better. Next question.
ABC News Reporter: Mr. President, given all that is going on back home with Health Care reform, Nuclear Weapons in Iran and the advance of the Taliban in Afghanistan - Who do you think looked the best on this trip to Europe, Michelle or Oprah?

Lemons and their Aides
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
OUCH - Vive La Sarkozy
Nicolas Sarkozy was furious with Barack Obama for his adolescent warbling about a world without nuclear weapons at a meeting Mr. Obama chaired of the United Nations Security Council last Thursday (9/24).Bummer, bitch slapped by a Frenchman - Poor President Pantywaist!
"We must never stop until we see the day when nuclear arms have been banished from the face of the earth," President Obama said.
What infuriated President Sarkozy was that at the time Mr. Obama said those words, Mr. Obama knew the mullahs in Iran had a secret nuclear weapons development site, and he didn't call them on it.
‘President Obama dreams of a world without weapons...but right in front of us two countries are doing the exact opposite," Mr. Sarkozy said.
"Iran since 2005 has flouted five Security Council resolutions," Mr. Sarkozy said. "North Korea has been defying Council resolutions since 1993."
"What good has proposals for dialogue brought the international community?" he asked rhetorically. "More uranium enrichment and declarations by the leaders of Iran to wipe out a UN member state off the map."
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Pantywaist Obama - All I want is World Peace!
There is a column in the WSJ this morning: French Atomic Pique
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Health Care Reform, NOT!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Liberal Definition of Success
Pretending to be Great
Policy makers must also resist the reassuring but false notion that renewed economic growth can, by itself, raise living standards broadly. Government policies are needed to ensure that growth is shared.
More progressive taxation needs to be accompanied by more progressive spending, on public education and on job training and job creation. Support for unions and enforcement of labor standards would also help to ensure that in the next economic expansion, a fair share of profits would find its way into wages.
So I began by asking what makes a Great Society and can conclude that it is not by declaring it and then creating a welfare state as Johnson did and from which 40+ years later we still have not recovered from and which apparently intelligent people think we should bolster even further. Kennedy's vision put us on the moon, Johnson's have put us where we are today - a society, not of great vision and vigor, but one of small ideas dependent on a government to think and do for us.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Missing the bigger picture
As The Times of London pointed out on the day of victory, fascism had stood for grandiosity, pomposity, boasting and zeal.
Monday, September 14, 2009
The Implications of Small Things
Thursday, September 10, 2009
End of the Recession - Good Job President ---- BUSH!!
Friday, September 4, 2009
My dread for 9/11
Secretary of State - Obama
We're all HOPING for change!
The Obama administration has been hoping those actions might indicate a willingness in Pyongyang to return to the six-party aid-for-disarmament talks the U.S. has used since 2003 to try to persuade North Korea to give up its pursuit of nuclear weapons.
We're Saved, Unemloyment only 9.7%!
It is NOT the U.S., It is Comrade Obama
The U.S. said it will cut off some aid and may not recognize the result of Honduras's upcoming presidential election, in an attempt to pressure the country's interim government to accept the return of its deposed president.